Saturday, October 29, 2011

Now that Farmer Les has formally put himself out to pasture, the fun really starts. But The Moaning Mullet is deadly serious. And Dale wants to be anything but last

And The Ogre of Ogden Street goes all arty-farty.

But - finally - the big news!

Believe it not, we now have a quality candidate, tailor-made for the office of Townsville mayor, with all the credentials of sobriety, social responsibility, fiscal actuity, voter appeal - particularly among the younger mug voters - and deep credibility. 

Or, hang on a sec, is he just a stalking horse for our local political Joan of Nark, aka Jenny The Moaning Mullet Hill?

Now look, this is getting REALLY tricky, because the above DOES NOT refer to the vaulting ambition of former walloper Dale Last, current front runner for the scarlet possum-fur trimmed mayoral robes.    

The Magpie, as always, cogitates aimlessly, here at the Nest at

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A crooning Katter and other equally unbelievable but less embarrassing stuff

OK,OK, The Magpie's makes his humble apologies, it was probably his fault. He takes the blame for the past week's public Katter-wauling. Explanation follows, along with a close look at a weird aspect of the American political scene, and the real historical signifigance behind place names, both here and abroad.

All here in the Magpie's Nest, which, as usual 'glitters with pilfered gems' to quote historian Tom Holland - he was talking about Plutarch, but close enough, at

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Despite having been dead for a couple of centuries, pommy painter and poet Willy Blake was right on the money as far as Queensland politics was concerned this week. Willy's pithy observation has an immediate resonance regarding the so-called 'Dirt File'- until it turns out that it would be better known as the 'Stating The Bleedin' Obvious' file - the contents are hardly Scoop City, although The Astonisher did its lame best to whip itself into a self-righteous lather about the story.

Also, the latest round-up of the Cut Snake Party's local candidates (err, to Mystified of Mysteron, that's Katter's Australia Hootenanny and Hoedown Party) - and the latest on the possibility of a Bad Mooney Rising. All here in this week's drivel-laden Nest at 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hear about the asbestos scare down at the Townsville Bulletin? You sure wouldn't have if you depend on the paper for your news.

Yes, awards galore this week, the biggy going to the Bulletin - yet again they've won the Janus Two Faced BUMM Trophy, BUMM being for Barefaced Unmitigated Mendacity. Of course, the Irony Award of the week goes to the fact that it appears that asbestos is the only fireproof thing at the paper - the staff certainly aren't.
And in the series featured in this blog before under the general heading of  'All the news that's fit to print but isn't', The Astonisher garners two other gongs, the Callous Chalice for vicious ways to sack people and the Carelessness Cup for an interesting approach to workplace health and safety when asbestos starts gently raining down - a former staffer says she raised the issue of possible asbestos dust over a year ago, but was dismissed out of hand. Now that The Magpie has got the legal eagles rubbing their hands at the possibility of some lovely Murdoch moola, we'll have more on that later. 

The ABC also gets an award - the 'Huh, Come Again Double Entendre' award, Rugby Union gets the 'Ministry of Silly Names Encouragement Bowl and Vase' and for the 132nd straight time, the Queensland Government gets the Brat McEnroe 'You Must Be Joking'  silver raquet and balls platter, with a special mention for Premier Blight, who wins the Preposterous Policy Golden Doughnut.

So first, the minutae of the week, all here in the Nest at  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mary Vernon parts company with The Bulletin - so the blood-letting has started in earnest at The South's Own Paper.

Mary Vernon, one of the longest serving and most high-profile journalists at The Bulletin, has become one of the first victims of a savage cost-cutting directive from News Ltd's Sydney HQ. She was told last night that she was to be retrenched, and was given a month's notice - to be paid out or worked out is not known. 

On the same day, photographer Darren Hilder and a bloke described to The Magpie as a marketing analyst named Simon Cowling (not sure of the spelling) were also given their similar marching orders. In recent weeks, at least three other journalists have resigned amid claims of bullying and stress.

This seems to be the start of changes which will have a significant impact on Townsville and North Queensland. The Magpie paints an overall picture and a possible positive outcome from the unfolding train wreck, here at

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tis time to talk of mayoral matters, of Mooney, The Moaning Mullet and other facts and fantasy.

The scuttling behind those local government skirting boards is getting more frenetic, now that the next council election will be decided in old style divisions. The rumour mill has gone into overdrive, with the chance that Mooney and The Mullet will fight over the scraps of local Labor.
Also - and not unrelated - three former Townsville politicians to get life, and our quizzical quillman Bentley reckons the PM got the wrong dog for her 50th birthday during the week - all here in the Nest at