Saturday, April 28, 2012

Has the CEO of the Townsville City Council labelled Jenny Hill a liar? Seems so.

The harsh term ‘liar’ isn’t used directly in the dignified officialese, but in an 11th hour intervention, council boss Ray Burton sent an urgent email to councillors around 7am yesterday (Friday) morning, flatly contradicting a claim about rate rises made by Jenny Hill in the Townsville Bulletin that morning.

The ‘Pie also looks at the mayoral race itself, and how things might pan out, in a poll that  Mongrel the Barrister  calls ’the battle for the best of a bad lot’.

And yet another Magpie exclusive: while The Bulletin desperately looks for some – any!! - Townsville connection to the Peter Slipper affair, the paper seems to have missed the fact that Slippery Pete went to school here.

Of course, Bentley is at his best, looking at the local government scene and summing up a poll-weary public’s feelings about it all. This week’s guano-dripping nest at

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sinking the slipper in: there’s something decidedly queer about ex-Townsvillean James Ashby’s claims of sexual harassment against Slippery Pete Slipper – and The 'Pie's risks all his credibility (small risk) gives tips on the council poll.

Did you know that Slipper accuser James Ashby is a former Townsville gadabout? You do now. There certainly are a few unasked questions about the former Townsville business manager and radio staffer’s private court bid for compo dollars. And The Magpie asks those questions.

Pickering has his needle-sharp say in that area.

On the local government front, The ‘Pie rolls out his electoral crystal ball, and makes a few rash predictions about winners and losers.

And a broader but brief look at April 25, Anzac Day.

All here in this special mid-week nest at

Saturday, April 21, 2012

All of a sudden, a consensus candidate for mayor steps up and impresses – want a date with The Mullet? - and Campbell Newman: Tinkerbell or Mary Poppins?

Also, The Astonisher demonstrates the danger of the unwise adjective, and the paper’s beat-up story about Mad Max Tomlinson’s gender ravings at least scores one of the best headlines for yonks.

And making compo money out of getting bonked on the head while bonking - a Nanny State special. Bentley and pickering also have their say.

All here in the nest at

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bobby Brown Buggers Off, but look who we’ve got now. And just when you thought Les Messagebank Walker had mended his ways … our phonephobic mate does it again – officially.

And The Magpie has some very interesting questions for mayoral wanabee Jeff Jimmieson, who is openly advocating we become Shabbyville.

The Magpie invites Mr Jimmieson to respond to some pertinent concerns raised by some about his suitability to represent and help run this city as it’s mayor.

And if you think local government is crazy around here, have a look what the mayor of a small Spanish town has come up with – in a world class Nanny State edict, this El Joker has devised a politeness and behavior charter which, if introduced here, would have every single Townsvillean fined, locked up or put in the stocks (slurping soup loudly and picking one’s beak … err, nose … are just two of the new fine-attracting rules).

And the good old Astonisher gets itself in a tangle over sloppy handling of letters, both those to the editor and those of the good old garden variety in news stories.

All here in this week’s overflowing nest (you know what it’s overflowing with) at

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mooney and The Mullet: a heartwarming tale of friendship restored? Plus why the new boss at Townsville Enterprise is off the Christmas list of some big business boys.

We also look at the latest from the Nanny State, which now wants to ban a whole lexicon of 'upsetting' words that teachers can use in front of kiddiewinks … one is the word ‘birthday’.

The Magpie has a different angle on the fuss over the scrapping of the Premier’s Literary Awards, and resident doodler Bentley laments a depleted field in Townsville’ mayoral race, all here in the nest at