The harsh term ‘liar’
isn’t used directly in the dignified officialese, but in an 11th hour intervention, council boss Ray Burton sent an urgent email to councillors around 7am
yesterday (Friday) morning, flatly
contradicting a claim about rate rises made by Jenny Hill in the Townsville Bulletin that morning.
The ‘Pie also looks at the mayoral race itself, and how things might pan
out, in a poll that Mongrel the Barrister
calls ’the battle for the best of a bad lot’.
And yet another
Magpie exclusive: while The Bulletin desperately looks for some – any!! -
Townsville connection to the Peter Slipper affair, the paper seems to have
missed the fact that Slippery Pete went to school here.
Of course, Bentley
is at his best, looking at the local government scene and summing up a poll-weary public’s feelings about it all. This
week’s guano-dripping nest at