The other burning question this week: why is the Townsville Bulletin actively encouraging kids to kill themselves? Do
they need stories that badly?
And from Canberra, in what must be the
biggest load of political hot cock since MP Craig Thompson had a night on the
town, Joolya deals out political poisoned flour to anyone dumb enough to
swallow her reasons for her latest recruitment announcement.
There also seems to be a succession of
startling, sometimes stomach-churning, medical breakthroughs lately, but now
its seems, if you eat some of your own s …. hmmm, no, we’ll leave that for later,
but it’s startling, revolting … and could save your life.
And why the Townsville City Council gets
the week’s Wussy Wetting Pants Award.
That and more, all here in this week’s
soggy old nest at