Yup, the Jones boy collects the gong for
his latest jaw-dropper – an extraordinarily arrogant attack on child care
workers, a blast that goes well away from party policy and has infuriated several
party poohbahs who are certain to yet again have to carpet their loose cannon.
It is just the latest in a running string
of cringe-worthy antics from a bloke who just doesn’t get it. The gory details of
this latest in elitist twerpery follows.
And hey gals, how’s your whohoo? Your froofroo? Perhaps the inquiry should be about
your hooha, or perhaps your nooni? Even,
gawd help us, your Aunt Kitty? To use a low-rent Americanism , this is a
fascinating tale about two tails … the first about the disputed use of the word
‘vagina’ in an Australian TV ad , and the second, in Britain, about the swift kick in the euphemism
provoked by a similar ad over there because it used anything but the word vagina. The
‘Pie has the whole story in this week’s nest.
All here in the nest at www.townsvillemagpie.com.au