This Big Bash sure ain’t cricket, in more ways than one.
But what it is is show biz at its most engrossing. They could sell tickets for it, and plaster lurid posters about the place – can’t you just see it. The Magpie can and will share his vision with you.
The state campaign grinds on in the background, and throws up the question: bad look or good judgment – The Brisbane Bantam Campbell Gunna Newman cuts short his FIFO campaign in the regions and flies back to his home roost of Brisbane, piqued at being upstaged by Canberra. Is this further vote-grabbing fodder for Katter’s badly trailing Cut Snake Party?
And on the local scene, The ‘Pie keeps hearing that a certain former mayor might just still be a shimmering presence in the upcoming mayoral race. NO NO stop packing your bags, it isn’t Capt Snooze.
For your weekly dose of misinformation and twaddle, it’s all here at