Saturday, February 25, 2012

Will the Australian ship of state drift on Rudderless, or will Monday see ‘woman overboard’?

This Big Bash sure ain’t cricket, in more ways than one.

But what it is is show biz at its most engrossing. They could sell tickets for it, and plaster lurid posters about the place – can’t you just see it. The Magpie can and will share his vision with you.

The state campaign grinds on in the background, and throws up the question: bad look or good judgment – The Brisbane Bantam Campbell Gunna Newman cuts short his FIFO campaign in the regions and flies back to his home roost of Brisbane, piqued at being upstaged by Canberra. Is this further vote-grabbing fodder for Katter’s badly trailing Cut Snake Party? 

And on the local scene, The ‘Pie keeps hearing that a certain former mayor might just still be a shimmering presence in the upcoming mayoral race.  NO NO stop packing your bags, it isn’t Capt Snooze.

For your weekly dose of misinformation and twaddle, it’s all here at

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Katter a dancing dingbat - if you haven't seen it, you won't believe it - a masterful rant by radio bad boy Alan Jones on a campaign issue starting to loom large, and other stuff.

As that pontificating pom Lord Courtney so famously observed, there are three kinds of lies – lies, damned lies and statistics.  But it looks like the Queensland LNP will add a fourth word to this lying lexicon: the word ’strategic’.

The Magpie looks at this little scam (borrowed from Labor) and suggests there is a ‘sleeper’ of a campaign issue that neither of the big two parties acknowledge as being of much importance in the campaign. The ‘Pie reckon they’re both as wrong - big time.

Also, Jeff Seeney dons the belled cap and motley to be the party fool on television …

And didn’t The ‘Pie predict it - the Mad Katter appears to have suddenly forgotten to take his the medication, with a truly bizarre public performance as the front man for his political pop group Bob and The Kattertonics.

As usual, the drivel starts here at

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Magpie a member of the Masons? No, not really, but he will pass on the everyday secret of how to detect a closet NLP supporter – even without a secret handshake.

Also, will Major Campbell Newman pass
out on the parade ground of politics, before the electoral march by is finished.  

And a lot of other drivel, including  Bob ‘Cut Snake’ Katter inviting the media to a shoot-out at the OK (Only Katter) Corral,  moneybags Clive Palmer clowning around, and the Dale Last team member who has a hitherto unrevealed and closely guarded family fact about the Fountain of Youth.

It’s all here in this week’s nest, at

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sure, politics sometimes makes for strange bedfellows, but ya never gonna believe who’s between the sheets with mayoral aspirant Dale Last.

Also, a debate about a debate sees The Astonisher score an embarrassing ‘own goal’.

We also have the latest score from Word Wide Wrestling, that perpetual genteel tussle which this week sees ABC 3ish, The English Language 0.

All here in this week’s nest at