Yep, the Daddy Warbucks of Townsville
Enterprise is probably a worried man right now – the old saw that comes to mind
is ‘as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs’. Perhaps
with good reason.
In other matters, the Nanny State Award of
the Week goes to those horse racing authorities who rule on suitable names for the
neddies – another case of not quite having a handle on the English language, or
common sense.
It was a case of pride going before a fall for one Astonisher journo recently ... and, of all things, we look at the capsules that time forgot … the week’s most curious story concerns Rule Number One for time capsules – it is more or less important – nay crucial – that you remember where you buried the bloody things. You’ll be surprised how many people don’t. And both you readers are invited to nominate what should be included in a Townsville time capsule if it was buried now.
It was a case of pride going before a fall for one Astonisher journo recently ... and, of all things, we look at the capsules that time forgot … the week’s most curious story concerns Rule Number One for time capsules – it is more or less important – nay crucial – that you remember where you buried the bloody things. You’ll be surprised how many people don’t. And both you readers are invited to nominate what should be included in a Townsville time capsule if it was buried now.
All that plus Bentley uncovers a cunning pensioner plan to improve their lot, all here in this week’s nest at
In all the flapdoodle about the council budget to include rate freezes and water rebates –The ‘Pie’s tip: they won’t see the light of
day - no one seems to have mentioned it but you can bet that the generous three
quarters of a million smackeroonys that the council has been coughing up annually for
Townsville Enterprise (TEL) will be under close scrutiny in these tight times.
TEL can be almost masonic in its close
chested guarding of its financial position, details of which seem to be
obscured behind the somewhat spurious (although technically correct) claim that
they are a private, membership-based outfit. Be that as it may, TEL is
generously propped up by grants from various councils in the region apart from
Townsville (Mt Isa, Hinchinbrook, Burdekin, Charters Towers et al) as well as a
an unspecified amount from Tourism Queensland. Probably some federal money in there, too.
There seems to be a growing mood about the
place that TEL has run its race. Many people, business movers and shakers and
TEL members alike are asking if they are getting any value from what is seen as
a Dudley Do Nothing outfit punching well below its weight. Put-upon Townsville ratepayers
- who stump up more than $750,000 a year
to prop up this enigmatic organization - and those regional councils may well
be asking the same question.
The Magpie has been contacted by more than
one business leader cheesed off with the TEL tactic of jumping on the bandwagon
at the last minute and taking credit for the effort of others. The new Navy Terminal
(for PR purposes called the Cruise Ship Terminal) is a case in point. All a bit
like the cheerleaders at a Cowboys game, high-kicking on the sidelines while
the real heavy lifting is happening out on the field. Mind you, the image of Dave
Kippin, Ross Contarino et al in glittery gym slips, white knee boots and waving
pom-poms could have some attraction for tourists. Maybe.
In the financial year 2010-11, TEL’s wage
bill for its 22 or so staff (personnel turnover is disturbing) was around $1.7
million, with an extra $400,000 spent on external consultants. The 'Pie has not been able to discover details of this latter amount.
It is also widely accepted - although not
confirmed for obvious reasons - that not only is membership of smaller
operators dwindling (because they believe they are getting diddly-squat for
their membership fee) but the bigger players have drastically slashed their
contribution by up to 80% (TEL has various levels of memberships at various
Now this is pure speculation, but The ‘Pie
wonders how those figures stack up against the accepted business wisdom regarding the percentage of income spent on wages. It is generally
regarded that staff costs over 35% of income is heading into stormy governance
waters. Given what numbers are available and the negligible outcomes made
public in solid terms, The ‘Pie wouldn’t be surprised if TEL is operating way
above this percentage, which would mean the outfit is in deep financial
When Dave Kippin has his little chat with
the councilors, you can bet it will be behind closed doors, and that although
we the great unwashed will be stumping up some amount of our hard-earned for
this mob, we’ll never know how or why that decision was reached – and what the
real state of TEL’s finances are.
But God forbid things are as dire as this pessimistic old bird would have it … crikey, Dave, mate, you may otherwise have
to volunteer take a cut in your cleverly engineered $240,000 annual salary package.
As if.
Other matters.
The racing industry people who rule on the
suitability of names for race horses – Hoof Hearted was a definite no-no – have
come up with a prizewinning bit of
politically correct nincompoopery.
Trainer David Hayes trains a promising
filly named Blackman. The horse is the daughter of Excellent Art and it seemed
appropriate to name the horse in honor of our great painter Charles Blackman.
But the racing authorities, acting on a
single complaint, have ruled that Blackman could be offensive to some, who
might hear it as black man, and the name had to be changed. As if that wasn’t
silly enough, what did they change it to? Lady Blackman! In one hit, they’ve
managed to be offensive themselves to any number of quarters, including Hayes
himself for coming up with the name in the first place, the Blackman family,
anyone named Blackman (as in TV’s John of Hey!Hey! fame) and anyone with half a
brain in their head. The one person who approved of the new name was a caller
to a Melbourne radio station, who described him/her self as a black transgender
person and thought Lady Blackman was ‘kinda nice’. It will no doubt add a dimension
to his/her next Thai holiday.
This opens up an interesting line of
inquiry. What if other interest groups get onto this lurk. Those folks who go
about munching wholemeal organic lentil pomegranate fruit and nut bars (slow
cooked in the tears of unicorns) could take offence to well performed geegee Fat
Albert? Or even worse, an old Magpie favourite Likealunch? And the wowsers
haven’t yet got onto Merkin (Dear Mystified of Mysteron – that’s a pubic wig)
and they obviously missed a horse called Sex Machine, named because its dam was
Shagga. The famous cartoon horse Radish might be banned by vegans objecting to a red-blooded animal being named after a vegetable.
But in all this flinching at shadows, no
one seems to have asked the bleedin’ obvious – just what is offensive about calling
a horse ‘Black Man’ anyway? How is that
offensive to anyone? If you’re a man and black, how is that infra dig? Would
White Man get the same treatment if a single person complained about it? ‘Black’
and ‘white’ in terms of race only become offensive when certain nouns which act
as pejorative emphasisers are attached, as both sides of this divide well know
here in Townsville.
In another matter, The 'Pie does not wish to alarm anyone, but he feels compelled to report that Astonisher scribbler Lendl 'Mickey Mouth' Ryan is OK, so don't panic, folks.
Many will remember Lendl in his former role as the paper's happy-go-lucky, ever helpful and self-effacing Chief of Staff. He was forever sending witty emails filled with clever adjectives, gently chiding those who diverged from his world view. The 'Pie takes this opportunity to thank Lendl for his kind words, although his helpful suggestions in one or two of the emails are anatomically impossible. All of you who have had a light-hearted and obliging contact with him will be concerned to hear of a recent mishap.
Sad to say of such a humble bloke, but it appears that pride went before a fall a few weeks ago (and before youse blokes in the sports department pick up The 'Pie for this quotation, he knows the correct saying is: Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall - Proverbs 16:18).
Seems Lendl was being a little too forthright about his prowess on his newly acquired motorbike, and went on so much, he was invited to give a demonstration of his skills out the back of the Ogden Street bunker.
Ever obliging, this he did, resulting in a spectacular tumble which required an ambulance, a couple days in hospital with concussion and some skin off the hands and legs, and a few weeks off work. But he's OK now, although The 'Pie hears his ego will remain in intensive care for a while yet.
In another matter, The 'Pie does not wish to alarm anyone, but he feels compelled to report that Astonisher scribbler Lendl 'Mickey Mouth' Ryan is OK, so don't panic, folks.
![]() |
Mickey Mouse and Mickey Mouth. |
Sad to say of such a humble bloke, but it appears that pride went before a fall a few weeks ago (and before youse blokes in the sports department pick up The 'Pie for this quotation, he knows the correct saying is: Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall - Proverbs 16:18).
Seems Lendl was being a little too forthright about his prowess on his newly acquired motorbike, and went on so much, he was invited to give a demonstration of his skills out the back of the Ogden Street bunker.
Ever obliging, this he did, resulting in a spectacular tumble which required an ambulance, a couple days in hospital with concussion and some skin off the hands and legs, and a few weeks off work. But he's OK now, although The 'Pie hears his ego will remain in intensive care for a while yet.
It is the international divide that has
caught the eye of resident doodler Bentley this week. He has been pre-occupied with the needs of the older generation in Australia, and thinks he’s uncovered a cunning plan by at least one senior citizen to better his lot.
A brief note now on time capsules. The
Magpie thought he would make merry at the chortle-worthy ABC news report that the
small school of Yelarbon, on the border near NSW, has it’s centenary coming up
and they wants to unearth a time capsule buried in the school grounds in 1975.
But they don’t know where it is buried and can’t find it, no record was
made of just where it moldering away. Now,
The Magpie has no experience of burying anything in school grounds –although the
mad caner of class 3A Mr Howard at Tamworth High came close – so the old bird thought
this loss to be most chuckleworthy. What wallies, eh, unique in the annals of
losing things?
How wrong can a bird be! Get this – dozens
of schools have been in the exactly the same time warp, including – just to
name a few – Redbank Plains High, Warwick High and just so NQ doesn’t miss out,
Slade Point State School near Mackay. Haberfield Demonstration School in Sydney
was also on a capsule hunt. One school near Brisbane has an even bigger problem
…. The school is 100 years old, and a time capsule was buried on founding and
every 25 years on, so they have lost four of the damn things.
But it turns out that this is a world-wide
occurrence, with literally hundreds of capsules lost to rapid progress and a
changing urban landscape around the globe. Puts one in mind of the old Goon Show
gag when Eccles hastily buries a treasure chest in the desert before galloping off from
pursuers. But he had carefully noted where his booty was buried ‘five paces to the
north-west of the camel’s right hind leg’.
But all of this got The ’Pie apondering
about what we put in a time capsule for Townsville if we buried one now? Maybe Capt
Snooze would donate that famous red leather thong in which he disported himself
on a Magnetic Island beach some years ago. Perhaps we could rustle up the toga
and laurel wreath headdress worn by Tony His Radiance Mooney in the last three
or four years of his reign. Les
Messagebank Walker could spare his mobile, let’s face, he doesn’t need it.
Ditto The Moaning Mullet’s hairbrush (‘Goodness,
look at this, dear, it seems almost new and looks like it’s hardly been used!!’)
Any other suggestions? And for God’s sake,
give yourselves a name – any name, Black Man, Yellow Fever, Blue Balls, Jew Fish, Adolf,
whatever, just spare us ‘anonymous’. It's easy - write your comment, go down to name and URL, type in a name and that's it.
Enough now, it is away to Poseurs’ Bar, where the old bird will seek out a suitable lass, boast of his prowess and hopefully have a tumble of his own, swerving to avoid a child and falling out of bed.
ReplyDeletetime capsule: hot red V8 drunken jacket.
ReplyDeleteProblem here is John, you've written your post in all caps so therefore it is unreadable.
ReplyDeleteMAGPIE While we are talking about racehorses names, Try this one which relations of mine had in the early 70,s trained by T Lopes at Flemington LADS LOVE X MOMENT OF TRUTH named PERFECT CLIMAX it had a few starts but retired a maiden
ReplyDeleteTime capsule: all Townsville councillors, especially the hairdresser, the wannabe sports caller, and Messagebank. Blimey, if we can't work out how the hell they got on the council, how will Townsvilleans in years to come????
ReplyDeleteYour piece on the TEL sounds suspiciously like a beat up to serve some disgruntled source. A bit too much like the Astonisher. As for the time capsule, maybe you should jump in.
ReplyDeleteRe Vested Interest: Sounds like a self-serving defence without any facts. Want to argue the facts and not the messenger? Re The Astonisher: have you noticed that for the past year or so, the Chamber of Commerce's Dawson Wilkie is the go to man for comment on civic matters in the paper (as he should be), with Daddy Warbucks Kippin now only occasionally called on to don his cheerleaders gear and pom poms on very selective, largely wish list issues. That is, when it is not TEL's Director of Disappointments Ross Contarino who is trotted out ('Gee, disappointed copper string never got up', 'Gosh, how disappointing no instant new entertainment centre', 'Golly, sad that tourism's getting such a raw deal' etc etc). A beat-up? Only ime will tell about TEL.
ReplyDeleteTEL - bunch of wannabe posers. $240K a year? For what? Continuously and monotonously stating the bleeding obvious? What, precisely, has he achieved for that amount of doss?
ReplyDeleteBest horse name - years ago there was a filly running around called "Way to Go". Apparently the sire died on the job, but still managed to do the job before he fell off the, mare.
And don't forget Packy's horse "Partiva". If you have to ask...look up Part IVA of the Tax Act. Very clever.
Vested Interest - how are things at Ogden Street, anyhows? The Bull-Tin over the last two weeks has sunk to new lows with its anti-LNP bias and low-brow reporting, so don't start preaching the high ground here, old mate - or should that be "young mate"? Jerk.
I thinkng about breaking into John Nankervis' house at midnight, in order to rip out the Caps Lock button from his PC / Laptop Keyboard. #PublicService
ReplyDeleteLike the Astonisher, Queensland might become another 'Spain' but without the bull fighting. Oh Lei!